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Wake Up Laughing --Our Mission

"It's time to take humor seriously, and seriousness humorously."
Swami Beyondananda

Our mission at Wake Up Laughing is to promote awakening and laughter: Awakening to the evolutionary understanding that we are each and all cells in a new super-organism called Humanity, and laughing compassionately about the obstacles we humans have put in our own way.

We seek to move forward what we call an "up-wising" – waking up and wising up to our true human potential, and engaging millions to participate in the greatest adventure in human history: Conscious evolution.

This "evolution" (as described in the book Spontaneous Evolution) is not about the hit-or-miss unfoldings of a random universe, but rather the understanding of life as a spiritual, intentional process. It is a holistic and integrative view, and encompasses the beliefs of the traditionally religious, the spiritual but not religious, secular humanists and ethical atheists, and what our friend and co-heart Caroline Casey would call "the compassionate trickster."

The comedy is intended to heal the heart and free the mind, to offer incisive insights into inconvenient truths (and convenient lies), and to do so through the eye of love.

Along with my own writings and the cosmic comic perspective of Swami Beyondananda, we welcome into our community those seeking to use humor to enlighten and brighten.

You can Join the Up-Wising by becoming a member of the Right To Laugh movement, or by subscribing to one of our newsletters, or merely by checking in with us from time to time.

May we all wake up laughing ... and wise up loving

Steve Bhaerman.

Enroll in our Three-Step Program:

book11. Awaken to a New Story. Find out more about Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here
book12. Let Laughter Lead the Way. Find out more about Wake Up Laughing: An Insider's Guide to the Cosmic Comedy
sam3. Proliferate Laughter and Awakening. Join the Right to Laugh Party



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Copyright © 2010 Wake Up Laughing Productions. All rights reserved.         Web site design: DeLancey Design         Web site programming: Epiphanet Website Development

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