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Wake Up Laughing Store
Wake Up Laughing, and Leave Laughter in Your Wake: How to Use Levity to Defy Gravity in Unfunny Times    $99.00
A Self-Paced Total Immersion in Cosmic Comic Consciousness A total immersion in humor and laughter -- at your own pace. The course consists of six 75-minute audio tutorial sessions: Six 45-minute audio interviews with awakened funny people, and funny awakened people: Plus...

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A Course In Laughter Digital Mini-Course for You and a Friend ... $39    $39.00
Includes two MP3 downloadable audio files -- Beyondananda and Beyond and the Fool's Journey and two indispensable e-books: Wake Up Laughing: an Insider's Guide to the Cosmic Comedy, and The Zen Cohens of Harry Cohen Baba: 45 of the Funniest Jokes in the World and How to Tell Them. $39

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Swami's 2019 April Fools Day Message    $10.00
Hear Swami's April Fools Day performance at the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, including his annual State of the Universe Address, questions from the audience, and fun and funny surprises...

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Notes From the Trail Subscriber    $33.00
Subscribe now for 2011 and get three FREE gifts: The Zen Cohens of Harry Cohen Baba e-book; Swami Beyondananda's political dictionary now updated; the Swami CD digital version of your choice.

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Absurdification by the Swami    $10.00
In your name or someone else's name as a gift. A pdf will be sent to you via email.

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International Shipping and Handling - CANADA ONLY    $14.00
To offset the cost of shipping to Canada, please click here. Thank you.

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Overseas Shipping and Handling    $18.00
To offset the extra cost of shipping outside U.S., please click here. Thank you.

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